Show me the plants!

We’re proud to partner with the Garden Design Collective. We know you’ll come up with a great design for your clients – we can help with the plants.


PlantMaster is a plant database and presentation tool designed to help you find the right plants for your projects and present those plants to your customers in a beautiful way! Of course there’s a ton of extra tools, but our main focus is to make sure the plants shine!


When your customers can really SEE the plants, they start to understand your vision for the garden and start to really take ownership of the design.


We’d like to show you a snapshot of what our software can do to enhance your design process (and impress your clients)! Take a look…

“I wish I could remember the exact words, but my clients called me last week after I sent a presentation that broke all the plants down into areas and they just loved it! They wanted to know if they could receive the program. I had to tell them it is by subscription, but they can print out the presentation.


It helped them really visualize the plants I had chosen. They were excited to see the different blooms, the leaf colors and textures, they could see even with plants not in bloom that there is lots of interest to enjoy.


For me, I am loving each and every update that gets built into PlantMaster. It helps me to present a much more professional vision of a garden that will soon be ‘alive’ in their garden.”


-Connie Lefkowits, FAPLD. | Connie Lefkowits Gardens

Find the right plants, faster.

Use our powerful plant search to find the right plants for every project. We’ve worked very hard with designers around the country, and though we don’t have claim to have every plant – we take pride in having the majority of the plants you use!


And the best part is the filters! You can search for plants based on more than 500 characteristics! Need a shrub that grows 3′, has yellow flowers, blooms in June, needs full sun, and attracts pollinators? Find the plants that fit this criteria in seconds!

Custom plant records.

It’s so hard to visualize a plant from just a tiny thumbnail! Check out plant records that really give you a true sense of the plant. Every plant record includes lots of high-resolution images that can be expanded to full screen – so you (and your customers) will be able to see exactly how the plant will look.


Plus, each record includes a complete profile of the plant. Complete with everything from basic plant anatomy (plant type, height, width, flower color, etc) to design considerations (design styles, season of interest, and what wildlife it attracts).


And lastly, every plant is 100% customizable. You can change ANYTHING. If a plant blooms at a different time in your region – change it to suit your needs. You can also add your own images and your own plants.

See the real deal, live!

Easily organize your plants inside the project.

When the plants are in your projects – the fun starts! You can group your plants into the Areas you plan to use them.


For example, all the plants you’re thinking of for the front yard get grouped together, all the plants for the patio get put together, etc. You can create whatever Areas/Rooms you want and organize the plants however you wish.

“I’ve been using PlantMaster for a few years now and I can’t say enough about how useful it is. PlantMaster has pretty much everything I searched for in an online plant database. It allows me to tailor plant slideshows for each project with a variety of presentation options. Clients love it!  It’s a snap to generate lists for drawings, nurseries, and/or contractors.


In addition to the PlantMaster plant database, I’m able to add plants and photos of my own. There are also a lot of other ‘goodies’ in the program as well — business advice, inspirational landscaping ideas, nursery info, tutorials, etc.


Perhaps one of the most important aspects is the easy accessibility of the founder(s). I have always gotten prompt responses to any questions I’ve had. The program continues to add more flexibility and ease of use — I use it daily and can recommend it without reservation.”


Kathleen Shaeffer  |  Kathleen Shaeffer Design

Send stunning plant presentations.

Send your clients a link to their own mini-website, complete with all the plants you’ve selected for them! You can brand the presentations to look like you – complete with your colors and logo!


Your clients can filter through the plants based on characteristics or their Area in the design. When they want to see more, they just click on a plant to see more images and all the details. It’s a great way for you to discuss the plants together!

Explore a real presentation.

Create fun reports.

There’s also a myriad of reports that you can save as PDFs or print!


Send traditional plant reports like Storyboards with a single image of each plant or Plant Details with images and plant data. These reports can be organized by Area or Plant Type.


We also include fun reports like the Month of Bloom chart and Water Requirements. Your clients will love bragging about how much water they are saving or how many plants are blooming each month!

“I really appreciate PlantMaster’s software for helping me choose the perfect plants with my clients. They benefit from knowing everything they would want to know about a plant and seeing lots of photos, so that we can choose exactly what will make them excited and satisfied.


The staff at PlantMaster has also been beyond helpful in assisting me with adding plants I need and helping create files I can share and print to make the process easier and fast. Before I had PlantMaster, designing with clients was much more of a guessing game with lots of trial and error.


I have recommended it to other designer friends and highly recommend it to you also! I also really enjoy seeing the weekly gardens featured. It’s a great resource to keep the inspiration alive!


Krista Jennings  |  Green Reflections Garden Design

A special Garden Design Collective discount.

$75 off for the first year! 

(Annual account)


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have my plants?

We’ve worked really hard to include the RIGHT plants. We don’t claim to have every plant, but chances are we have most of the plants you use in your projects. Please take a look at the plant search to see for yourself. (But note that you won’t have access to all the filters and tools until you login to an account. Try typing in the first 3-5 letters of the plant name instead of the full name.)


If you really can’t find your plants, don’t give up on us yet! Send us your plant list! (Seriously, send us a sample plant list) We’ll take a look and work out a plan to add the plants you need.

Can I change the plant information?

YES! You can can change anything in an ePlant. You can update any plant details, add your own data or images, remove or change the order of any images. Bottom line, you can make the plant data accurate FOR YOU.

Can I add my own plants?

Of course! Just remember to add as much detail as you can. (We know you’re in a hurry) Remember that everything you fill out about the plant will be used in the search filters, so the more data you include, the more the plant search will work for you!

Do I need any special equipment or to download anything?

PlantMaster is completely online, so you won’t need to buy or download anything extra to use our software. You can access PlantMaster from any device that connects to the internet – from your phone, tablet, or computer!

How much does it cost?

We offer Monthly and Annual Options.  Monthly accounts are $30 per month and Annual accounts are $250 per year. (Please take advantage of the discount to pay $175 for the first year!)


We are a subscription-based company, so your account will be automatically renewed until you cancel.

I'm interested, but not sure - where can I learn more?

The best thing to do is learn more about PlantMaster and see it in person. We do training sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 PM PST over Zoom. You should come! You’ll see a full tour of the software and you can ask any of your burning questions. These sessions are designed for our customers, so there won’t be any sales pressure – just a chance to learn more about the software!

Find a date >

If you would prefer to talk to us one on one, please call our office any time! OR, send an email to – we’re happy to talk or answer any questions.

Still not sure?

Here’s what we recommend…


Sign up for the 7 day trial. Start one project and add all your favorite plants. (Test us out to see if we have your plants). If you want to take it a step further, you can organize the plants into the different areas/rooms of the project. Then send your customer (or anyone) an interactive presentation where they can review the plants in great detail.


You can do the whole thing in half an hour! Give it a try and see how easy it is! If you aren’t blown away, you can always cancel before your trial period ends.


We’re confident that our software will help you showcase your plants!

A special Garden Design Collective discount.

$75 off for the first year! 

(Annual account)