Instantly determine your plant costs.

Learn how to save time (and money) by keeping track of your personal plant budget.

What’s so special
about the Plant Budget?

The Plant Budget is your place to keep track of your plant costs. It’s not intended to replace your tools for sending invoices or calculating your total project costs. Rather, it’s a great way to keep track of how much you are spending on your plants and stay within your personal budget.


Use the plant budget as you build your planting plan. The plant budget and legend are linked together, so as you select the plants (and their quantities and sizes) for each section of your design, you can instantly see the running total for purchasing those plants. And you can use that information to further refine your final planting plan.

Save time – Instantly determine your rough plant costs.

One of the biggest benefits of the plant budget is a too to set the average prices in advance for different sizes. For example: If the average price for a 1 gallon container is $9, you can set the average price to $9. Then every time you select 1 gallon in your projects, the price will automatically apply.


This way you don’t have to fill out the pricing plant by plant – the system will do the work for you! Of course you can type in a specific price for any plant at any point to get a more detailed budget.

Easily decide which sizes are best for your budget.

As you build your planting plan, the plant budget will automatically update. It’s a great tool when you need to decide whether to use (3) 15 gallon containers or (5) 5 gallon containers – because you can easily compare the cost difference without having to place the plants into a drawing!


Quickly decide which plants and which sizes to use in your final design.

Pre-select your favorite sizes.

Use the tools to select the sizes you use most often and save them as favorites. That way every time you open a project, you’ll see these sizes at the top of every list. Trust us. There are hundreds of different sizes – you won’t want to scroll through them all.

Add a markup.

Want to add a 15% markup so you can communicate the rough plant costs to your client? Easy! The markup can either be a specific dollar amount or percentage.

“PlantMaster is a tool that I use for every one of my projects. I send my clients a Plant Palette at the beginning of a project, and Plant Lists as the design gets refined. My clients love the presentations. They have commented on the ease of use and the quality of the information provided for each plant.”


Anne-Emile Gold  |  Gravel to Gold, Inc. Landscape Design & Construction

Frequently Asked Questions

I use my CAD software to calculate plant costs.

First, we want to clarify that this section is not intended to replace your pricing tools inside any billing software or CADD systems. Rather, its best suited to help you keep an eye on your plant costs as you start to finalize your planting plan.


The legend and plant budget are integrated, so as you start to determine container sizes and quantities in your legend, you can instantly see the running cost for your plants in the plant budget. This will ensure your budget is accurate and you can use this instant information to modify plant sizes or select another plant for your project.

Can I print or share this budget?

YES! You can save the budget to PDF or export the whole thing to excel.

How does this save me time?

The key to making any budget go quickly is to use average prices. As the name suggestions, average prices are the AVERAGE price for a given container size. Instead of manually entering the price for each plant, you can set the average price for each container size and use the system to automatically calculate your rough costs.


For example, if you purchase 1 gallon containers and, on average, they cost about $10 – you can set your average price for 1 gallon containers to $10.  Once it’s set up, every time you change the container size of a plant to 1 gallon, the price will automatically update to your $10 price in the plant budget. You can always override the average price with a specific price, but using this automated system will make your budgets go so much faster!

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